The CAMP is looking for gifted diverse artists* who are:
Christian - kind of important for this kind of entertainment venue since we celebrate the redemptive work of Christ (Click the following link to see what "We Believe")
Singers and or instrumentalists - who have a project of at least four songs which are available for purchase and currently represents what they do.
Able to perform with live instrumentation - rather than with tracks alone.
Performing Poets (if you only write poetry and would like it read at 4F, please submit it.)
Dancers - contemporary, interpretive, tap, jazz or ballet
We are also looking for artists involved in the Fine Arts (drawing, painting, photography, etc.) to display their work and share the story behind it.
If you fit the criteria, please send a professionally-packaged CD (if applicable), a bio and picture to:
Attn: Denise Strong
5119 Highland Road
PMB 207
Waterford, MI 48327
Electronic submissions such as websites (E.G. YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud, etc.) are acceptable for consideration, however upon booking, a physical press kit will still be required.
Artists will also be required to have units available for sale the night of the show. Please Email rather than Telephoning Us - Thanks!
If you have questions, please email them to info@theCampOnline.org. Projects will not be returned; submissions (whether sent voluntarily or requested) do not guarantee a booking; but all will be sincerely considered.
Please keep the following in mind: We receive many submissions from artists to perform. However, since we only do 10 shows a year, we cannot possibly accommodate every artist. So don't be discouraged if you cannot play right away or if you do perform but are invited back the following year.
While we book artists from out of the area occasionally, we give first
preference to artists in Metro Detroit who have somewhat of a following
We encourage you to come out to a show to see what we do. It's kind of
a unique venue. You can see who we are, what we do, and besides, we'd
like to meet you too!
Wanna Play?
Finally, since the CAMP is all about supporting independent artists, we
feel that it is important for artists to support each other. Therefore, we often
give preference to artists who occasionally attend a 4thFridays show.** While it's not a requirement, coming out to a show encourages the artist that is performing that night and it helps 4thFridays too. Please note, we do not do artist release parties.
Additionally, we are not an open-mic venue. All shows are planned well in advance.
*Performing artists are artists who are already performing publicly.
**Except those living outside the area and those already performing most Friday evenings.